Greyhounds are incredible animals that have been one of the world’s amazing helpers. They are a man's best friends. Learn more about Greyhounds and become a dog walker
What do you know about Greyhounds?
Ever wondered about the history of greyhounds? Where do they come from? The meaning behind them and their purpose? You're about to discover the historical timeline of where these breeds originated and their ancestry. For starters, a modern greyhound versus a traditional greyhound strikes a very similar appearance to the ancient breed referred to as sighthounds. This goes back to the times of Egyptians and Celts. Sighthounds are extremely similar to greyhounds. How? Well, they are domesticated hunters that entail long, slender bodies. These typically appear in ancient drawings going back to 6000 BC, which is present-day Turkey. residing in the city of Catal Huyuk. Also found additionally was a 4000 BC funerary vase of modern Iran. It's been decorated with many images of dogs that resemble very much like greyhounds. These dogs seem to have a lot of importance back in these ancient times to these people. Many ancient artists depict specific images that entail only religious and social significance in their societies. In this day and age, we are uncertain that these historical dogs are the forerunners of the actual modern greyhound.

So where did these greyhounds originate? It's a confusing testimony of the ancients of this point. Romans believe that greyhounds originated from Gaul which is in Western Europe, known as the land of the Celts. However, The Celts believed that these greyhounds are from Greece. They were so-called Greek Hounds based on these facts. A greyhound may in fact be considered a derivation of a Greek hound. There comes a lot of confusion that does suggest that these greyhound dogs known as Greek Hounds didn't come from Gaul or Greece, but more than likely somewhere in the Middle East. The reason why this may be is that ancestors of these greyhounds along with other sighthounds originally came into being in tents of the Middle Eastern nomadic people. There's a lot of theories involving these greyhounds. There are some who think the sighthound crosses between a domesticated dog from that era and the Southern European wolf. It's very common for dogs to follow in a movable camp setting eating from trash to protect its unwalled perimeters. The dog's presence was tolerated due to the guard service that was provided. Disagreeable by many people these dogs were regarded as wild.
A common belief for most references to dogs in general as the bible will testify. A special kind of dog was discovered or bred at some point in time. Did you know these dogs could hunt along with humans, in addition to humans on horseback? This was considered an incredibly valuable solution. These particular dogs were to be kept separated from other dogs in the perimeters of the camp, to prevent interbreeding from ruining the special abilities of these proto greyhounds. Sighthounds were given priority inside of the camp, including inside the tents, a special place where no other animals were permitted, for the benefit of breeding control. It's a very unique and highly prized ability for sighthounds to assist in explaining why they've changed minimally in 2000 years. Ancestors of modern greyhounds In Egypt were used for hunting being kept as companions. Several of the Egyptians however considered the birth of a hound and its second in importance only to the birth of a son. The entire family would mourn the loss when a pet hound would die.

Favorite hounds of upper-class Egyptians were considered mummified and buried with the owners. Walls of Egyptian tombs were commonly decorated with unique images of their hounds. A painting from 2200 BC of an Egyptian tomb portrays many dogs that look very similar to the modern greyhounds. Pharaoh's are also known to own these specific greyhound type dogs, referred to as Tutankhamen, Amenhotep II, Thutmose III, Queen Hatshepsut, Cleopatra VII of Antony and Cleopatra fame. The Egyptian god Anubis, is either considered a jackal or a hound type dog. They are frequently displayed in the tombs of the Pharaohs on murals. Some depictions of it do resemble the modern Pharaoh Hound, in close relation to the familiar greyhound. Subscribe to our blog to learn more about the historical events involving the history of these modern greyhounds.
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